Wednesday, May 29, 2013


one of the most beautiful ...and most interesting ...and most challenging period of my life :)


Monday, May 27, 2013


f&f shirt
bershka cardigan
new yorker skirt
new yorker bag
humanic shoes


Sunday, May 26, 2013


#1-7:       at the nearby lake  (a közeli tónál)
#8:           new shoes - gift from my husband ^^  (ajándék új cipők)
#9:           twilight-boys :D  (twilight fiúk)
#10:         on the tree (a fán)
#11-15:   in the city  (a városban)
#16:         fashion for men... "fashion" for "men"...  ("férfi" "divat"...)
#17:         the "beautiful" city - trash everywhere -.-  (a "gyönyörű" város...)
#18:         "get off your bike!" ...what if NO?! :D  ("szállj le a biciklidről!" ...és ha nem?! :D)
#19:         flowers from my love <3  (virágok a szerelmemtől)


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013


marriage is not an easy thing. people marry because they want to be legally, socially, economically, emotionally, spiritually and religiously stable.
but when you really feel in your heart that you want to marry your love and be with him/her forever you don't think about the social benefits of marriage. you only think about sealing the bond that you have with that one person. it's an eternal promise that you make to your partner and to god.

how it feels to be married? it's just the happiest thing: to be united with the one you love.
it's a feeling of excitement and happiness that no one can experience until you stand in front of the altar exchanging vows.
but the best part is days after the ceremony only the two of you sitting in your room, talking and imaging how far you have been to be there now. what you have been through to get there, how much you have sacrificed for each other. how much tears have fallen just to prove that your love is eternal. you now feel more alive and everything you do and want is just filled with excitement.
you are always excited to finish at work and see your husband waiting for you in the hall... :) you see how lovely it is to be in love? the fear of losing the one you love and the fear of not be loved back disappear with marriage. you now feel more secure about your relationship and just enjoy the feeling that you will now be together forever... :)

I can do all this through Him who gives me strenght.
(Philippinans 4:13)


a házasság a dolgok közösen létrehozása, közösen megalkotása. a közösen teremtés öröme. a házasság felelősség. felelősséget vállalunk valaki másért. felelősséget vállalunk majd a gyerekeinkért. hogy mi a felelősség? az, amikor valaki felvállalja a gondoskodást. felvállalja a cselekedeteit, akár jók azok, akár rosszak.
a házasság nem a mézesheteknél ér véget. a házasságot ápolni kell. minden nap. kedves szavakkal, apróságokkal. nem nehéz azt mondani a házastársunknak, hogy köszönöm vagy azt, hogy de jó, hogy ilyen hamar hazaértél. vagy megkérdezni, hogy nincs-e kedve sétálni egyet TV nézés helyett... és mindez milyen sokat számít!

miért jó házasnak lenni? a napi örömökért. ez a legszebb érzés a világon: egynek lenni a szerelmeddel. ezt az új, érdekes érzést csak akkor tapasztalhatjuk meg, ha oltár elé állunk.
a legjobb rész pedig a házasság után jön: az élet! :) napokkal a lagzi után ülni kettesben a szobában, és azon tünődni, mennyi mindenen keresztül mentünk, míg ide jutottunk. mennyi mindent kellett feláldoznunk azért, hogy újat alkossunk. mennyi energiába és odafigyelésbe került bebizonyítani a másiknak és saját magunknak, hogy a szerelmünk erős és örökké tart majd. és mennyire megérte! a félelem, hogy a párunkat elveszítjük vagy elmúlik a szerelem, elillan abban a pillanatban, ahogy házasságot kötünk.
éredekes a jövőről gondolkodni, terveket szőni. olykor-olykor bizalommal egymásra mosolyogni, ha a dolgok mégsem úgy alakulnak, ahogy szeretnénk, hisz' bármi is történjen, a másik felünkre mindig számíthatunk...
az igaz házasság örökre szól.

Mi kell a jó házassághoz?
Jó fejük legyen a házasoknak, mert gyakran kell fejet hajtaniuk egymás előtt.
Jó foguk legyen, mert egy-egy szót gyakran el kell harapniuk.
Jó szemük legyen, mert gyakran kell szemet hunyniuk.
Jó hátuk legyen, mert időnként nagy terheket kell cipelniük.
Jó válluk legyen, mert semmit sem vehetnek félvállról.
Jó idegeik legyen, hogy önuralommal egyszerre ketten ne legyenek mérgesek.
Ebből adódóan a türelem az első háziadó, amellyel a házasok egymásnak tartoznak.

"Mindenre van erőm a Jézus Krisztusban,aki megerősít engem." 
(Filippi 4:13)

Saturday, May 18, 2013


i thought i'd show you some of my fave outfits... :)

takko fashion shirt
new yorker skirt
new yorker bag
humanic ballerinas

Saturday, May 11, 2013


the great gatsby is a 1925 novel written by 
american author f. scott fitzgerald.
the book provides a critical social history of america during the „roaring twenties“. that era, 
known for unprecedented economic 
prosperity, the evolution of jazz music, 
flapper culture, and bootlegging and other criminal activity, is plausibly depicted in fitzgerald's novel.

the remake movie is inspiring people 
about 1920s fashion, classic cars, book covers and f. scott fitzgerald quotes.

             what was it like to live in the 1920's?

in the 1920's new kinds of dancing evolved along with the new jazz and blues music.
the new music and dances were fast paced and energetic, like the optimistic 1920's themselves. they were an escape from the horror of war, and an opportunity to release pent up emotions created by the restricted lifestyles forced on the public by the war effort.
freed from the restrictions of tight corsets and the large puffed sleeves and long skirts that characterized dress during the late victorian era, a new generation of dancers was swaying, hugging, and grinding to the new rhythms in dances.
it is worth pointing out that in the early 1900's both the waltz and the tango were considered scandalous dances because they involved physical contact between partners during the dance. once the dance crazes which took off in paris were demonstrated in america, they were embraced by the public and close dancing became a social norm.
young people introduced their own fashion styles and so the "flapper" and "sheik" came into existence. young women with short bobbed hairstyles, close fitting hats and short skirts were referred to as flappers, and young men with racoon coats and bell-bottom trousers were called "sheiks".
the dance that epitomizes the 1920's is the charleston.

fashion has always been influenced by the mode of transportation, the architecture of the period, and the customs of the people, and so it was in the 1920's.
1920's dresses were lighter and brighter and shorter than ever before. fashion designers played with fabric colors, textures and patterns to create totally new styles of dress.
shoes and stockings assumed a greater prominence now that they were more visible. silk stockings in all the colors of the rainbow, often with patterns, were designed to match the coordinated outfits of stylish women.
thus, the roaring twenties redefined womanhood — a new woman evolved; it became more acceptable to smoke and drink in public, closer body contact in dancing, shorter hair, make-up, different styles of dress, and greater participation in the workforce - all contributed to the new woman.

in the 1920's food production, storage and availability improved significantly.
the introduction of refrigerators enabled healthier and longer storage of perishable foodstuffs, with consequent health benefits as well as time saved due to less frequent purchases.
food was plentiful and cheap thanks to the large quantities produced by american farms. the american diet in the early part of the century consisted for a large part of meat and potatoes. a lot of time was taken up in preparing and cooking meals.
as vitamins began to be discovered from 1912 on, fruit, vegetables and milk became much more important than they had in the earlier years. for the first time people could drink fresh orange juice year round due to improvements in storage and transport.
the "woman's institute of domestic arts" ran a correspondence cooking course to teach women how to prepare, cook and serve food using the most up-to-date information available. tens of thousands of women in rural and suburban areas in america and worldwide benefited from this educational program.

it seemed as if the good times would never end, however the prosperity and optimism of the 20's came to a halt with the stock market crash on black monday in september of 1929. america's mood changed significantly during the great depression that followed.